Ma'alaea Village Association

Who we are:

Maalaea Village Association was formed by a small group of Maalaea property owners in June 2017 as a successor to the Maalaea Community Association, which served the Maalaea community from 1988-2016.  MVA received its 501c3 nonprofit corporation status in August of 2017, and held its first membership meeting and board election in January, 2018.  MVA is an "all volunteer" organization with no paid officers, employees or board members.

The purpose of the Association is to protect the unique community of Ma‘alaea Village; improve communication between stakeholders; and educate the Ma‘alaea/Maui communities and elected officials on the need to preserve our rural, ocean-oriented lifestyle.

Click here for MVA's statement of Purpose and Objectives.

Become a MVA member

Please join MVA to support our efforts.  Membership dues are our main source of funding.  You need not be a Ma'alaea resident or Ma'alaea property/business owner to join.  Click below for membership information  

Already a member?  go to the top right corner of this page and log in.  First time users will need to input their MVA member email address and create a password.  After log-in, you can access your membership profile and print your membership card.  From your profile, you can also renew or upgrade your membership.

Join us

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Ma'alaea Village Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, FEIN 82-2026085

Our address is:

PO Box 2122

Wailuku, HI 96793



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